It’s been a while – a combination of work and then holidays
has prevented me from posting – but I’ve still been painting. Here we have two figures on the same topic – centaurs – but with
very different styles. The Garrison figure was bought as part of a job lot, and
when I extracted it from the Lead Mountain I was NOT enthused… then I realised
I was also working on the Grenadier figure as part of a HOTT Woodland army, and
thought it would be interesting to paint them and show them together.

Garrison were one of the earliest figure manufacturers – I think
this figure was sculpted in the mid 1970’s by the great John Braithwaite, and
based on the Robert E Howard Conan novels. As consequence, it is VERY simple,
and quite coarse, with some very strange proportions… maybe he was reading The
Sun’s page 3 when he sculpted it! Still, out with the brushes… the main thing
with the early figures is to keep the paint job simple, and I did exactly that –
dark gray for the horse body and hair, then dry brushed white. The torso is
just base flesh with Army Painter soft tone for shading, and then flock on
the base.
I didn’t have any expectations of this figure, and I was
quite surprised it turned out fairly well. It actually reminds me a bit of the primitive art,
Neolithic paintings on cave walls, simple and a little bit child-like, but with
a definite energy. I like this figure!
The Grenadier figure was done in the mid 1980’s, and shows
just how far sculpting had gone. This figure was actually rescued from a junk
pile at a war games fair, and had obviously had a very hard life – really badly
painted and dented. Soaking it in Simple Green brought the paint off, but it
had lost a bit of detail. Excuses, excuses….
I stuck to the same colour scheme – dark gray for the horse
parts, dry brushed white, and then picked out the armour with white as well, followed by a quick coat of Army Painter dark tone and finally picking out detail with
gold and burgundy. The face and arms were simply flesh tone and Army Painter
soft tone again. I really like the mid-80’s Grenadier figures, the one produced
before the oval flat bases and the Nick Lund era, and I think this is one of
their better efforts – I’ll be happy to see him based up as part of a centaur
Knights unit.