A record of my ongoing attempt to paint the vast mountain of 1980's lead critters that I've accumulated!
Thursday, 28 December 2017
Ral Partha Personalities 01-003 Balrog v3 (rescued)

Saturday, 18 November 2017
Citadel C20 Troll Discipline Master with Whip, and Troll Attacking with Tree Trunk

Sunday, 5 November 2017
Citadel C34 Fire Elemental (rescued)

Friday, 29 September 2017
Asgard Fantasy Monsters FM42 Norse Giant

Friday, 25 August 2017
Grenadier Fantasy Lords 2nd series 052 Yeti

Monday, 10 July 2017
Grenadier 1505 Monster Manuscript Vol. V MM41 Klynops

Wednesday, 28 June 2017
TSR 5305 AD&D Monster Tribes Troll 2
A combination of incredibly good weather and some unfortunate family issues have meant that I haven't posted for a while... but I have been painted. Next up from the Lead Mountain was this. I understand that this is actually a Ral Partha sculpt issued under the TSR banner, and as with all Ral Partha minis it is a thing of beauty - great scale and lots of detail, though you could possible quibble about the pose, which is a bit static. It was a real pleasure to paint up - a base coat of green, then an ink wash which really bought out the detail, followed by dry brushing and picking out details such as the red spots and eyes, whilst painting the teeth and nails stone gray. The base is just Milliput and flock. Usually I apply two coats of varnish - gloss first, then matt - but I thought this figure looked good with just a gloss varnish, as it gave an impression of damp and moistness. I'm quite pleased with this beastie - it looks like it will give the latest recruit to my Amazon army a definite shock - and I can see this getting lots of table top time.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
Grenadier Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 5004 Tomb of Spells Minotaur
Now here is a real blast from the past. Grenadier were one of the earliest figure manufacturers and produced some of the earliest miniatures for AD&D. A lot of the early figures were a bit suspect, especially the ones from the original Wizzards and Warriors range, but then they supplemented those figures with (slightly) better sculpts... like this one. To be honest, I think it has held up really well for a sculpt that is nearly 40 years old (and how old does that make ME feel :)) - it's well detailed, and its not a bad pose, though the moulding on the axe head on my copy is definitely suspect. So much for quality control! The trick as always with old figures is to keep it simple - base colours, then ink washes, then dry brushing before picking out detail. I was pleasantly surprised at how well this came out, although I do feel that the figure lacks an air of menace... it's bit bovine to be honest. Maybe it is chewing its cud (or part of an adventurers anatomy) before swinging that axe. Still, for its age it holds up pretty well, and as a generic minotaur for either dungeon or outdoor encounters, it will do very well - and how often can you say that about a figure that is at least 35 years old?
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Alternative Armies Very Nasty Things VNT09 War Troll

Saturday, 15 April 2017
Unknown carnivorous giant frog

Thursday, 6 April 2017
Citadel Runequest box 7 Flying Creatures Manticore
Citadel did some excellent sculpts before they morphed into Games Workshop, including some tie-ins with gaming systems such as Runequest (RQ). Now, I have to be honest and state that RQ was one of those systems that totally passed me by - D&D was and remains my RPG of choice - but I know a lot of people who rave about RQ, and it was mightily popular in the day, so much so that CItadel did several box sets of characters and creatures based on the game. This one of them. It's a lovely little sculpt I
think - in proportion, and somehow managing to convey the monstrousness of the thing - I mean, who dreamt up the idea of a lion's body, with bat wings, and a scorpion tail, and a flesh eating human face? The figure it was a pleasure to paint - as with most early sculpts, it was a matter of keeping it simple, which is why I didn't make the wings a different colour than the body - and dry brushing really brought out the detail, especially around the mane and tail. It really looks the part next to the Shadowforge Dark temple archer, and I can see this getting a lot of table top time.
Saturday, 11 March 2017
Grenadier Fantasy Lords 1st series 171 Treeman

Sunday, 19 February 2017
Grenadier Monster Manuscripts: MM73 Rhinshasa and MM38 Iron Bull

Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Ral Partha/TSR AD&D 2nd Edition Monsters 11-414 Chimera

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