I’ve not posted as much as I’d like to – pressures of work,
ferrying kids around and Christmas in general has put paid to that – but I have
been painting, so over the next couple of days I’ll be posting shots of what I’ve
been working on.
These two were originally part of a Wood Elf HOTT army, which
spiralled dreadfully out of control. I ended up with enough figures for 3
armies (!) and eventually had to cull some units to make up 2 very distinct
armies. Unfortunately these guys didn’t make the final cut, but I thought
they’d hold up really well as standalone figures for wilderness encounters.
The Owl Bear is an early Asgard figure, and as a consequence
the sculpting is VERY coarse – the claws in particular were just stalks
protruding from the paws, and what is going on with the eyes?!? Still, it
definitely has a lot of naïve charm, and invariably provokes a “WTF is THAT” response
every time it hits the table – not bad for a figure that is nearly 40 years
The Ral Partha Were bear is a wonderful sculpt – really well
detailed, with a terrific pose, full of energy. If I had a criticism, it is
that it would be all too easy for the base to snap – Ral Partha metal was on
the soft side.
Both of these figures were a pleasure to paint – a simple
base coat of brown, then a dark wash, then dry brushing for the highlights. The
Were Bear in particular benefitted from this. The Owl Bear needed a bit more
work around the eyes, which are REALLY crudely sculptured – just holes poked
into the figure! The bases are simply flock and a few stones and artificial
Pleased with both of these!