Attaching the wings to the body gave me no end of grief. The
moulding to attach the wings was crude to say the least, and the wings are
incredibly thick and heavy – they weigh about the same as the body! It took
several goes, a lot of superglue and a LOT of cursing to get them to stay on.
Once I had them fixed, the joints were filled with Milliput. Not an easy job!
The next problem was the figure once the wings were attached – it wouldn’t
stand up unassisted, due to the small base size. This was addressed by gluing
it to a GW base – the original Asgard base had stones moulded into it, so I
extended that by adding additional stones carved from Milliput.
So on to the paint job. This was actually the simplest part –
base red, GW wash for depth, and then lots and lots of dry brushing. I wanted
it to look like a creature of fire, and I think that the colour scheme worked
pretty well. The flaming sword was problematical – not really much detail to
work with – but I tried my best by picking it out with yellows and whites to
suggest heat. The whip of fire was just a matter of highlighting the tail ends
of the whip. As for the base… the easiest thing would have been to paint it
gray, but I wanted to give the effect of heat and fire, so I painted them
orange to suggest reflected flames. There are a few grains of sand on the base
as well, picked out in red, to suggest embers.