A couple of years ago, I won a job lot of TTM miniatures – several of them were still in their original TTM bags and labels, so they were definitely genuine TTM - and some were loose, but the seller assured me all of them dated from a period in the 1980’s where he’d bought them from TTM. This was one of the loose figures from the TTM job lot.
At first, I couldn’t find him at
all in Lost Minis, so I checked on the Viking Forge website and spotted him listed as FM-01 Giant
Troll w/Axe and Spear. That in itself was kind of odd; he didn’t bear any
resemblance to the other Troll sculpts from the range, and also the original
Asgard FM01 Troll was a much dumpier (and very coarse) figure. Rather than a
Troll… he looks like a Hill Giant, or perhaps… a Hill Troll? In Lost Minis, the entry for the Asgard FM35 Hill Troll is empty. No-one knows for
sure what the figure actually looks like… no catalogue lists the figure. Could
this chappie be the missing FM35 Hill Troll? He certainly looks the part - closer in appearance to a Hill Giant than a Troll, to be honest.
The figure was a pleasure to
paint; flesh tones, browns for the furs, red hair and a dash of silver for
the chainmail, then a wash of Army Painters Soft Tone, followed by dry brushing.
The base is simply flock plus a few twigs and stones from the garden; the
strange looking bulrush thing is a sprig from some grapes!
I was very pleased with the way
this one turned out – it’s a wonderfully detailed sculpt, with a distinctly
menacing air. Perfect for terrorising adventurers when they seek shelter in a
cave! Now, if someone could just confirm whether this is the missing FM35 Hill Troll...