It’s been a while since I last posted; a combination of work
and decorating has effectively kept me again from the lead mountain. Still, I’ve
managed to put in some work on a couple of minor nuggets:
The zombie is from the Alternative Armies Very Nasty Things:
The Risen Dead range. I like Alternative Army sculpts; they are the nearest I’ve
seen in style to the old Citadel sculpts, with just the right mix of genuine
unpleasantness edged with comedy. Just look at the
skull exposed under the rotting skin! It was a pleasure to paint as well – GW putrid
flesh, standard colours for the clothing, then Army Painter wash and highlighting.
In the centre, a John Dennett sculpt from the Grenadier 1506
Monster Manuscript Vol.VIMM53 range. To be honest, I’m not fan of the figure; whilst it is well done, the Grenadier figures from this period always
seemed a bit fragile and just a bit too small… maybe it is a Halfling Mummy!
Again, simple to paint up – white for the bandages, leather for the exposed
skin, and a sand colour for the pillar, followed by the usual Army Painter wash
and highlights. The end product is OK, but I can’t see it getting much table
And finally, on the right – the Aerial Servant from the
Citadel Weird Fantasy range. This was actually a damaged figure from a job lot –
the base had been snapped off and was missing. The stone slabs on the base are
made from Milliput, and serve as an anchor for the figure – it is still top
heavy, so under the base are some lead weights from a fishing bag to hold it
down. The figure itself was very simple to paint – dark gray, then lots and
lots of drybrushing with white, with the red cloth done afterwards. It’s a bit
of coarse, but it also has a lot of charm and humour sadly missing from a lot
of today’s figures.
Quite pleased with the way these turned out!